Saturday, November 15, 2008

Catching Up

Well, it has been a little while between posts so I thought I had better catch up.

Firstly, pop over to Lzilulu's blog for a link to a great giveaway. I'm not linking directly from here and you'll see why when you read more about it! Good luck Lzi!

Secondly, I've been in contact wih my Fiona Marie swap partner and she seems like so much fun, and very talented too. She coordinated and wrote the patterns for a year-long bag swap for the British Quilt List. You can see some of the amazing creations here:

I'm hoping to get stuck into making things for all of the Christmas swaps I am in this weekend, fingers crossed. Somehow I injured my neck and shoulder last Sunday so have been in a lot of pain all week and not able to do much. The first couple of days it was so bad I stayed in bed trying not to move. It got a bit better but going back to work and being on a computer all day hasn't helped and it is still sore and stiff. But if I manage to get even a little bit of sewing done this weekend, it will be better than none.

1 comment:

lzilulu said...

..thanks for the link Vanessa...what a good sport you are!! :>)
lzi xox